
Bissi Family 1920s-509 viewsGiovanni and Rosa Bissi;
Children L-R:
Charlie, Carrie, Sam, my mother Josie, Francie

Ferro Family 1920s-1118 viewsEmilio and Dolorata (or Emidio and Addorata) Ferro;
Frank, Tony, Armando, My Father Mario, Al, Mike, and JIm
Auburn, NY

Josie, Mario and Delores Ferro 1942-381 viewsJosie and Mario Ferro with my sister Delores 1942

Nick and Nanette Basile-387 viewsMy new parents Nick and Nanette Basile

Testa Family Sant' Elia a Pianisi 1917-447 viewsSalvatore and Chiara Colucci Testa
Sons Joseph, Elio and Pietro
Daughters came to America as they had no dowry
Rosa my grandmother
Maria Concetta my adoptive mom's mother

Two Moms 1947-49-591 viewsMy birth mother Josie Bissi Ferro at right
and my mom who raised me Nanette (Antonia) Nervina Basile at left
Both holding me with the same gesture