
719 views'THE' shop!

435 viewsA neighbour's 'buttersquash' put out to ripen!

461 viewsThe lane at the back.

567 viewsEntrance to Daniela's courtyard! Her holiday home is the little yellow one on the left.

463 viewsThe public 'lavanderia' (washing trough/laundry) in the next village.

595 viewsAnother very old 'working barn/stable' down the road.

572 viewsThe 'Bassa Valtellina' where I live.

564 viewsOld, but still inhabited!

457 viewsOld houses in a lane beneath the new road in the next village!

463 viewsAnother VERY old farm store. This is probably 'at least' 300 to 400 years old!

484 viewsOne of my 'near neighbours'. He also has a wall he built with old tv's, pots and pans, in fact anything unusual. He painted some of his house stones blue (he says) to 'brighten up the lane' !!!

482 viewsThe little waterfall accross the lane - viewed from my back gate.
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