The total donated to our "Gente" fund raising was $75 and Nucca and I added a further €50 ($65).
Following discussions with the two donors it was decided to donate our "Gente" gift via another forum fund to which I belong. The main reason for doing so was to be able to
increase our total because the other fund is paid through the UK and the government adds a % to all donations if a UK taxpayer is involved (me....). So this meant that our donation of £94 was increased to £120.51 courtesy of the 'bonus'. The equivalent of
$178.30. We though that was a better deal for the victims of the earthquake.
I have linked the donation sheet here and as you can see,
our donation is the second down and is shown as
"With best wishes from the "Gente di Mare" Genealogy Membership!
This amount will be going - via the Red Cross - directly to Abruzzo and nowhere else.
>Earthquake Fund<
But the Italy Mag Fund raisers have - in just over a week, managed to raise a grand total for those needy people in Abruzzo.
Total donated online: £6,190.21
Amount raised offline: £0.00
Gift Aid plus supplement: £1,277.41
TOTAL: £7467.62
Which is a magnificent $11,049.
We are very aware that many of our members will have, quite rightly, donated privately and so it just remains for Nuccia and I to pass our sincere thank you to our two "Gente" donors here.