I must apologise to you all and, as I've not really been around for a little while, I suppose I'd better throw my hat in first - right?
I don't
know - though I do suspect - that 99% of my problems must be down to my age - while the remaining 1% has to got be because I'm (probably) mentally unbalanced.
HTG, at the moment I'm so disorganised that just the thought of sitting down and making a list of 'Things To Do, forums to visit etc.’, fills me with the jitters... OK - the last few months have been, to say the least, hectic... but hey, I've survived worse – Well I think I have

LOL (darn my forgettery).
I seem to remember that I came to Italy to retire and I fully intended to put myself out to pasture from the moment I got here.... yeah, right - THAT dream lasted (if I'm honest) all of 15 seconds, well maybe 15 is an exaggeration, but it was at least a whole minute!!!
A couple of weeks ago my son Serge and his girl managed to pay a flying visit from the UK – Friday mid-day to Monday afternoon. Arranged for now as they can’t visit me at Christmas – they were with me last year so it’s ‘her’ Mum’s turn this year. (pity we can’t ALL get together here one Christmas – I’ve got the room….). I really felt sad for the two of them as there was torrential rain for the whole time they were here… They wanted to do some shopping but I really didn’t feel like getting soaked so I (willingly) let them go and do it without me. Then came the time to leave and they gave me a bag full of Christmas presents, saying “You can open them now, or save ‘em until Christmas Day – it’s up to you Mum!” Well I chose the latter, ‘cos I know I’ll be on my own on Christmas Day and this way at least I’ll have a present or two to open. Don’t get me wrong – I don’t mind (well not too much), as this means I can eat and drink (?) what I want AND I’ll have the ‘TV remote’ to myself all day…..

When the time came for them to leave, I was very brave and didn’t cry until they were out of sight – then I had a really good old sob… The mutt always sulks for at least 24 hours when guests leave so he was little comfort despite the cuddles I gave him. And since they left, plus all that rain, my arthritis has really been playing up, I’ve had a heavy cold and cough too, so all in all it’s not been the best of times – then last week I ‘put my back out’…it’s an old problem, but suddenly going up and down stairs and sleeping have been almost out of the question. I’ve just been sitting here feeling sorry for myself. So, I’ve decided that I really must try and get back into ‘harness’ and take care of the friendships I have. So in general here I am, and if I’m not
'quite' as bright eyed and bushy tailed as before – be patient with me…. I’ll get there –