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Community Forums › How Can I locate my Family in Italy › Central Italy › Actes de naissance
Actes de naissance
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Coco New Member

Joined: Jan 17, 2013 Posts: 1
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 11:20 am Post subject: Actes de naissance |
Bonjour, je recherche des actes de naissance et de mariage dans la commune de Sant'Elia datant du 19è siècle. Je ne sais pas à qui m'adresser. J'ai déjà envoyé un courrier à la Mairie qui me répond qu'elle ne peut pas m'aider. A qui dois-je m'adresser ? Merci.
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gillaf1 Mem

Joined: Aug 08, 2007 Posts: 114
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 2:23 am Post subject: Re: Actes de naissance |
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liviomoreno V.I.P.

Joined: Sep 08, 2007 Posts: 1140 Location: Rome (Italy)
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:23 am Post subject: Re: Actes de naissance |
Coco wrote: |
Bonjour, je recherche des actes de naissance et de mariage dans la commune de Sant'Elia datant du 19è siècle. Je ne sais pas à qui m'adresser. J'ai déjà envoyé un courrier à la Mairie qui me répond qu'elle ne peut pas m'aider. A qui dois-je m'adresser ? Merci.
Coco |
Translation from French:
Hi, I'm looking for birth and marriages acts in the town of Sant'Elia, dated 19th century. I do'n to know where to look for. I already wrote to the town hall who answered they cannot help me. Where should I go further? Thanks.
_________________ Livio
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nuccia Admin

Joined: Jul 09, 2007 Posts: 4375 Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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soavmauri New Member

Joined: Apr 24, 2013 Posts: 1 Location: FRANCE
Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 7:12 am Post subject: Re: SANT ELIA FIUMERAPIDO (FR) Actes de naissance |
Ma famille paternelle est originaire de Sant Elia Fiumerapido.
Et j'en reviens d'un court séjour.
A savoir, les bombardements de 1943 et 1944 ont détruit en grande partie les archives des communes de la vallée de Cassino.
L'Etat Civil a été reconstitué pour les années à partir de 1860 ;
Sur les actes "recopiés" succinctement,
on peut relever des manques et des anomalies.
Pour vos recherches :
1/ à distance
- 1809-1899 : FamilySearch (Mormons) : familysearch.org
détient la copie des registres d’état civil (Tables annales et actes de "nati, matrimoni, morti, diversi, processi")
Pour Sant Elia, les bobines sont à louer et visionner dans l'un de leurs Centre d’histoire Familiale
(ex "courte durée 2-3 mois" env. 8.50 eur/film qui correspond sans doute aux frais d'envoi de Salt Lake City et retour).
- à partir de 1860, le Service Etat Civil de Sant Elia Fiumerapido
peut vous envoyer une copie d'acte, à condition d'indiquer des informations précises (date exacte, nom, prénoms), lien de parenté et fournir une copie de carte d'identité et une enveloppe avec un timbre italien pour la réponse
2/ sur place
- de 1860-Sant Elia, service d'Etat Civil : actes d'état civil
pas de recensements ni de registres militaires ou d'immigration
- 1860-1899 : Archives de Frosinone : actes état civil + registres militaires
pas de recensements ni de registres d'immigration
- avant 1860 : Archives de Caserta
- Registres paroissiaux de Sant Elia : le prêtre officie sur plusieurs
communes et est très occupé ; sur RV ; pas de courrier ;
les registres à partir de 1860 sont également "recopiés"
et identiques à ceux de l'Etat Civil.
- le cimetière de Sant Elia: nombre de tombes indiquent les dates de
naissance et de décès.
Bonnes recherches.
Maurice Soave
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Poipu04 V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 11, 2007 Posts: 984 Location: Connecticut
Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:36 pm Post subject: Re: Actes de naissance |
Livio: You are a man of many talents!
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liviomoreno V.I.P.

Joined: Sep 08, 2007 Posts: 1140 Location: Rome (Italy)
Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 1:05 am Post subject: Re: Actes de naissance |
This an answer to the first post, giving clues for a genealogy research in Sant'Elia Fiumerapido.
_________________ Livio
La mia genealogia |
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Emmy V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 11, 2007 Posts: 1000 Location: Scotland
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 6:07 am Post subject: Re: Actes de naissance |
Hi Nuccia I got your email
Problem is I cant translate what has been printed here and cant understand what is being said/asked about the records the person seems to have or is looking for (if it had been in English it would maybe be better) I noticed the name of he person who posted is 'Soave' and I have a few Soave's in my family tree.
Must admit its been a long time since I have been to the Family history Centre.
But if someone could translate what is being asked I may have some information in the records I have but I have nothing at all after the late 1890's
Hope you are all well
_________________ Lady Emmy |
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nuccia Admin

Joined: Jul 09, 2007 Posts: 4375 Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2013 6:22 am Post subject: Re: Actes de naissance |
Thanks Livio and Emmy. I used Goggle translator to translate this to English. Hope it helps.:
My father's family is originally from Sant Elia Fiumerapido.
And I just returned from a short stay.
Namely, the bombings of 1943 and 1944 destroyed much of the communal archives Valley Cassino.
The Civil Status has been restored in the years from 1860;
On acts "copied" succinctly
we may identify gaps and anomalies.
For your research:
1 / distance
- 1809-1899: FamilySearch (Mormons): familysearch.org
holds copies of vital records (records tables and acts of "nati, matrimoni, stillbirth, diversified, processi")
Sant Elia, the coils are for rent and watch in one of their Family History Center
(eg "short 2-3 months" approx. 8.50 eur / film is probably the shipping of Salt Lake City and back).
- From 1860, the State Civil Service of Sant Elia Fiumerapido
can send you a copy of the act, which provides specific information (exact date, name, names), relationship and provide a copy of identity card and an envelope with an Italian stamp for reply
2 / site
- 1860-Sant Elia, State Civil Service: Vital Records
no census or military records and immigration
- 1860-1899: Archives of Frosinone acts Vital + military records
no census or immigration records
- Before 1860: Archives of Caserta
- Parish Registers Sant Elia priest officiates over several
common and is very busy, by appointment, no mail;
records from 1860 are "copied"
identical to those of the Civil State.
- The cemetery of Sant Elia number of graves indicate dates
birth and death.
Good research.
Maurice Soave
_________________ nuccia
Italian Surname Database
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Melanie532 Mod

Joined: Mar 14, 2012 Posts: 17 Location: North Carolina, USA
Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 7:25 pm Post subject: Re: Actes de naissance |
As indicated, this area received the most awful bombing during World War II and most of their civil records were destroyed. Both copies, even though they were held in separate locations. Some reconstruction of documents has resulted in "transcribed acts" that are intermittent and incomplete. A lot of parish records were lost also.
One might find family members within the notarial records in such things as marriage contracts, land deeds, etc. I do not know the state of the notarial records for this town but they would be found at the Archivio di Stato of the province.
_________________ Sincerely,
Melanie D. Holtz, CG |
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nuccia Admin

Joined: Jul 09, 2007 Posts: 4375 Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 7:33 pm Post subject: Re: Actes de naissance |
Perhaps Italysearcher (Ann) who is a member here could also help? She is from the Sora which is not far from there and has done lots of research in the area.. She is a lovely lady as well. Her website is: angelresearch.wordpress.com/
_________________ nuccia
Italian Surname Database
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