I started to blush, If I had more time now I maybe would do some other items. Hazel if you noticed, did alot of cross stich some of her work is on the mirror picture. My woodworking only started when I retired as a Nurse we could retire at 55yrs. I started making Forts & Castles for friends children at Christmas, at that time I could easily get Cowboys or Knights the plastic figures. Now they are so hard to get.
Nuccia I got insperation from "This old House with Steve & Norm" then Norms woodworking series, get your router back. A tip for you ladies if you don't know what to buy a male for his Birthday or Christmas you can never go wrong with Tools. In fact I would go as far to say " A way to a man's heart is not via his stomach it's a SHED".
Carole talked me though how to post things re Image Sack, I duly wrote it down, now Iv'e put the instructions somewhere safe (can I find it) So when it comes to computors I guess I'm SH1T. I know it's easy when you know how, Doing DIY Electrics, Plumbing, Bricklaying etc woodwork no problem, as a Nurse I used to suture, take bloods, medicines but can I get my head around this computor yet. My son plays those X Box PS2 games things I have to marvel how he does it. Maybe my granddaughter will show me.
Anyway thank you for all your kind comments. I Loved you guys
