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Cache of letters
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Cathy V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 2681
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:22 pm Post subject: Re: Cache of letters |
WOW!!! Luca you are amazing! I'm going to cross my fingers and toes for you too Tom! This is so exciting! Especially after reading all these wonderful letters.
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Luca Translator

Joined: Jan 22, 2008 Posts: 695 Location: Terni - Italy
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 4:58 pm Post subject: Re: Cache of letters |
Scusatemi se rispondo in italiano.
Credo che la nipote di Tano non abbia veramente idea di dove possano essere quelle lettere (sempreché esistano ancora). Spero, però, che dia uno sguardo a questa discussione per capire che dietro la mia richiesta non ci sono altri fini; e magari chieda a sua madre (o a qualche zia ancora in vita) se possiede qualche altra informazione che possa tornare utile alla ricerca di Tom, facendocelo sapere tramite questo forum o al numero di telefono che io le ho lasciato. O, perché no? Magari può essere presa dalla curiosità di conoscere il suo cugino americano e riallacciare dei rapporti che il tempo aveva cancellato.
Due anni fa una cugina di mia madre che è nata ed ha sempre vissuto negli States, è venuta a trovarci in Italia: abbiamo avuto il piacere di ospitare lei e una sua nipote per tre giorni e abbiamo visitato insieme il paese natale di suo nonno ed altri luoghi della nostra terra. E' stata un'esperienza piacevolisima anche per noi (ho anche provato a migliorare il mio inglese parlato... ma senza troppi risultati  ).
Only a question for Tom: is Ignazio your paternal or maternal grandfather? (This is one of the questions I wasn't able to replay)
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tjbrn Explorer

Joined: Jan 24, 2008 Posts: 487 Location: North Carolina
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 6:38 pm Post subject: Re: Cache of letters |
Ignazio was my maternal grandfather.
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alex New Member

Joined: Mar 26, 2008 Posts: 7 Location: italia - torino
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 7:08 pm Post subject: Re: Cache of letters |
Ciao Luca, io sono alessandra, la figlia di Maria, la signora che hai sentito oggi per telefono...insomma la nipote di Tano!
Per curiosità siamo subito andate a visitare il sito e leggendo ciò che avete scritt ci siamo commosse, soprattutto ovviamente mia madre.
Scusami se scrivo in italiano ma dovessi scrivere in inglese ci metterei troppo tempo..
allora ti do un po di notizie.
Il nonno di mia madre, Dragotta Gaetano (nato nel 1894 e morto nel 1975) è stato sposato con Giallombardo Giuseppina (morta nel 1978).
Hanno avuto 6 figli, 5 femmine (Giuseppina, Ninfa, che è la mamma di mia mamma, Giovanna e Maria - mentre la quinta è morta da piccolissima) e 1 maschio (Stefano).
Nel 1970 Nonno Tano si è trasferito a Torino da Belmonte, dopo aver militato nella seconda guerra mondiale, vendendo la sua casa ad una parente di suo genero (ovvero il papà di mia mamma e quindi marito di Ninfa).
Per questo motivo mia madre mi raccomanda di scriverti che quando tornerà in Sicilia a far visita ai parenti sicuramente andrà a rovistare nel solaio di quella vecchia casa alla ricerca di una qualsiasi traccia di Ignazio e della corrispondenza con nonno Tano.
Spero di essere stata esauriente e se avete delle curiosità chiedete pure.
eventualmente se Tom lo desiderasse (a questo punto mia mamma Maria ha scoperto di avere un cugino dall'altra parte dell'oceano di nome Tom!!) può comunicare con me in inglese ed io tradurrò per conto mia madre.
Tanti cari saluti e grazie mille per la l'interessamento e la bellissima scoperta.
alessandra e maria
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Carole Admin

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 1662 Location: Valtellina - Near Lake Como
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BillieDeKid V.I.P.

Joined: Oct 26, 2007 Posts: 1221 Location: Illinois
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 7:21 pm Post subject: Re: Cache of letters |
Benvenuto Alessandra and Maria
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alex New Member

Joined: Mar 26, 2008 Posts: 7 Location: italia - torino
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 7:33 pm Post subject: Re: Cache of letters |
BillieDeKid wrote: |
Benvenuto Alessandra and Maria |
Thank you very much for yuor Benvenuto!
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Carole Admin

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 1662 Location: Valtellina - Near Lake Como
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 8:02 pm Post subject: Re: Cache of letters |
Luca's post:
Excuse me if I reply in Italian.
I believe that the nephew/niece of Tano really hasn't any idea where those letters can be (allowing that they still exist). I hope though she will have a look at this discussion to understand that behind my request there are no hidden motives; and perhaps will ask her mother (or some aunt or other who is still alive) if they have any other information that can become useful to Tom's research, letting him know via this forum or by phone on the number that I left. Or, why not? Perhaps she could be taken with curiosity to know her american cousin and re-open the relationship that was lost over time.
Two years ago a cousin of my mother who was born and has always lived in the United States, came to meet us in Italy: we had the pleasure of offering our hospitality to her and her nephew for three days and we visited the birthplace of her grandfather and other places of our land together. It was a really pleasing experience for us too (I even tried improving my spoken English...but without too namy Very Happy results)
Alessandra's post:
Hello Luca, I am Alessandra, the daughter of Maria, the lady that you spoke to today on the telephone... in other words the niece of Tano!
Out of curiosity we immediately went to visit the the website an reading that which you have written we were very moved, above all, obviously, my mother.
Excuse me if I write in Italian but should I write in English I would take too mush time, so I'll give you a little news.
My mothers grandfather, Dragotto Gaetano (born in 1894 and died in 1975) was married to Giallombardo Giuseppina (died in 1978).
They had 6 children, 5 daughters (Giuseppina, Ninfa, who is the mother of my mother, Giovanna and Maria - while the fifth died when she was very small) and 1 son (Stefano).
In 1979 Grandfather Tano moved to Turin from Belmonte, after having served (there?) in the second World War, selling his house to a member of the family of his son-in-law (that is the father of my mother and so the husband of Ninfa)
For this reason my mother asked me to write to you that when you return to Sicily you will pay a visit to your family and will certainly rummage in the attic of that old house in search of any trace of Ignazio and of his letters to Tano.
I hope I have been comprehensive and that if you are curious you will ask. eventually if Tom wishes (at this point my mother Maria has discovered she has a cousin on the other side of the ocean by the name of Tom!!) he can communicate with me in English and I will translate on his behalf for my mother.
Many dear wishes and a thousand thanks for the interest and the wonderful revelation.

If you think education is expensive -try ignorance!
>Expats in Italy<
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Cathy V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 2681
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Poipu04 V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 11, 2007 Posts: 984 Location: Connecticut
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 9:00 pm Post subject: Re: Cache of letters |
Che bello momento per la vostra famiglia! Benvenuto Alessandra e Maria!!!
Tom, this is beautiful! This is what the miracle of the internet can do for you. It is heart warming to hear these success stories in a world where the internet is too often used as a tool of evil.
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BillieDeKid V.I.P.

Joined: Oct 26, 2007 Posts: 1221 Location: Illinois
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:17 pm Post subject: Re: Cache of letters |
I'm so happy for all of you. Tom, Alessandra and Maria I hope now that you've made this connection you will continue to correspond and I hope some day you will all meet. And Luca, I will say this in English (because I don't want to screw it up with my poor italian).....you have shown such kindness to everyone here on the forum and have gone out of your way to make this connection for Tom (Ignazio) and Tano's families! I think you're an extraordinary person and Tom was very fortunate to have you walking this journey with him.
_________________ Elizabeth
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BillieDeKid V.I.P.

Joined: Oct 26, 2007 Posts: 1221 Location: Illinois
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:30 pm Post subject: Re: Cache of letters |
Carole and Livio.........I didn't mean to slight you in my sentiments to Luca. You've done an outstanding job of keeping everyone informed by translating to English so we could follow along. I would like to thank you for the kindness and compassion you've shown. Not only was Tom lucky to have Luca walking this journey with him, but he was quite fortunate to have you on his side also.
Many thanks for your unselfish contributions.
_________________ Elizabeth
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Cathy V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 2681
Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 10:58 pm Post subject: Re: Cache of letters |
I have followed these letters every day wondering what the next one would say. Such beautiful, emotional letters. I must admit that many brought tears to my eyes. It has given me a whole new perspective on the struggles of so many all those years ago. The tremendous amount of work, patience and compassion shown by Luca, Carole and Livio has amazed me. Great job all 3 of you! Luca, those extra efforts you made to connect the 2 brothers families across the years and continents was nothing short of AMAZING! I find myself again, moved to tears. GREAT JOB!!!
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Luca Translator

Joined: Jan 22, 2008 Posts: 695 Location: Terni - Italy
Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 4:56 am Post subject: Re: Cache of letters |
What a wonderful morning!
You all are very kind with me. I only did what I thought was the right thing! I'm very happy for Tom (and I still believe that some letter can be found) and for Maria (now I can say her name).
Per Alessandra e Maria
Sono veramente felice che abbiate letto questa magnifico topic. Ho insistito molto ieri con Maria affinché trovasse la motivazione per farlo perché sono il primo a rendermi conto che sentirsi "piombare" in casa uno sconosciuto che ti snocciola parentele è duro da digerire; io stesso mi sono sentito in imbarazzo in alcuni momenti perché mi sentivo un po' fuori luogo. L'amore di Tano per quel suo fratello lontano e la struggente angoscia nelle sue parole, mi hanno però convinto a fare la "faccia tosta" e intrufolarmi nella vita di gente a me (e io a loro) sconosciuta. Voglio tributare un elogio alla disponibilità e sensibilità di Giusy Dragotta (e sua cugina Francesca) di Belmonte, che ha capito il senso delle mie parole e mi ha dato la possibilità di poter parlare con Maria.
Un grande abbraccio a tutti i "Dragotti"
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Gina501 V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 444 Location: Houston, Texas
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