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Hobbies and pastimes!
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Carole Admin

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 1662 Location: Valtellina - Near Lake Como
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 7:40 pm Post subject: Hobbies and pastimes! |
Many of us must have hobbies - apart from genealogy and sitting facing a computer for hours., but we know so little of others interests do we...
So I thought I would start the ball rolling with one of mine. I have a small collection of rocks and crystals. They were collected from such different places as the Isle of Elba, and the Grand Canyon - and each of them could almost tell a story. One of two, as you can imagine, I didn't find but had to buy. These are the polished ones you can see in my little cabinet here.
>My Rocks and Crystal Cabinet<
So - that's one of my hobbies - now how about sharing some of yours with us?

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Gina501 V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 444 Location: Houston, Texas
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nuccia Admin

Joined: Jul 09, 2007 Posts: 4375 Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:42 pm Post subject: Re: Hobbies and pastimes! |
Gina501 wrote: |
Beautiful colletion Carole. |
They really are beautiful, Carole. I had no idea you collected rocks.
Gina501 wrote: |
Before Nuccia got me started on this computer stuff, I really put all my efforts into home decorating. Don't know if I would have made it a full-time business, but I like to do it. My friend has just become a real estate agent and she is going to hire me for her clients to "stage" their homes for selling. |
Geez..guess everyone is right...I really am a bad influence on you people!
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chanchisfea V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 11, 2007 Posts: 250
Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:36 pm Post subject: Re: Hobbies and pastimes! |
Quote:: |
Geez..guess everyone is right...I really am a bad influence on you people! |
*tries to look surprised*  NO WAY!!!!!!
I have way too many hobbies for my own good and way too little time to do all the things I wish I could do, LOL. Knitting and crocheting, crosstitching, sewing (making clothes, costumes, as well as, machine quilting), drawing and painting are amongst the favorite things I like to do whenever I find myself with some extra time to be creative
I must admit, ever since getting hooked to this genealogy thing, I do mostly sewing (Nuccia and Cathy have seen my "creations", LOL) and knitting as it is the easiest thing to leave unattended and able to pick up again whenever I feel like doing some of it...
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MikeSavoca91 V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 399
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:20 am Post subject: Re: Hobbies and pastimes! |
I like to write. Short stories, books, whatever. I love to write, it gets everything out and is a lot of fun. My mom does that too, I guess that runs in the family.
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MauroMags Explorer

Joined: Jul 15, 2007 Posts: 259 Location: New Jersey
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:43 am Post subject: Re: Hobbies and pastimes! |
Mike, you should start a blog based on your writing. Thats one of my hobbies.
But whenever i have free time (cold or warm weather) i like to go birding. Its a great way to spend time outdoors
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Cathy V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 2681
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 10:49 am Post subject: Re: Hobbies and pastimes! |
Wow! You are all facsinating me. I never knew... except Liz - she can do anything!! Liz you forgot to put that you do totally amazing work in Photoshop. Mike, I used to write...a long time ago. My daughter is a gifted writer. I used to make jewelry. From the time I was a kid I liked to design jewelry and every time I took it up everyone wanted something I had designed so I would duplicate something I made for myself or a friend and sell it to them for cost. 5 years ago I took it up again and had quite a nice side business with it. I used swarovski crystal, sterling silver and gemstones to make earrings, necklaces and bracelets. Until my mother got sick, I had to turn away business. Once she became ill, I had to give it up. I also like photography, reading, history (I think you all knew that) and I love music. I can't really play anything anymore but I love to listen. I used to be fairly good at various forms of art but that, too is a long gone skill. Mauro, I like birding too. When I was in Naples, Florida, I left my binoculars at the hotel!  But Naples is an awesome place for birds - the whole town is a bird sanctuary. I also love to cook but rarely have the time. For a while I was really into scrapbooking too. Until the genealogy took over... *Whaps Nuccia for her comment about being a bad influence!!*
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JamesBianco Researcher

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 645 Location: Westfield, MA.
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Biff83 V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 1263 Location: Florida
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:16 pm Post subject: Re: Hobbies and pastimes! |
Like Jim, I also have a degree in history. Besides genealogy, I have an avid interest in the anthracite region of Northeastern Pennsylvania where my grandparents emigrated, particularly the area's labor history, and in the Delaware & Hudson Railroad, the company where my grandfather, father and two uncles were employed.
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Carole Admin

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 1662 Location: Valtellina - Near Lake Como
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:46 pm Post subject: Re: Hobbies and pastimes! |
Obviously there are things and hobbies that we all have and that we never think to share with others. But this site is a good example of why sharing such things can be fun... how many of you budding (and really advanced) genealogists have found at least a 'bit' of satisfaction in sharing that pastime with others. You all share the documents you've found, seek help in understanding them and share the joy when a particular search uncovers yet another surprise.
Well why can't it be the same with our other hobbies? I could have just said "I have a small collection of rocks and crystals" - yeah, right? But no-one would have known just how small it was, or what it consisted of. So I posted a photo.... I could have also said "I used to paint for pleasure" but without at least one example you would have no idea if I was a budding Michaelangelo or a poor Andy Warhole  - would you? Well that's for you to judge..
>A Lion<
>Japanese Warrior<
>Indian Horseman<
My apologies for the poor photos - they are old paitings and had been in storage for years!
It's the same for all of you....I DO know that there is a superb 'animalia' artist among us, but many wont know who, but do I hope they will show you some of their superb work!. Then there are those of you who have hinted at hobbies here on this thread. So why not show us some examples of your talents or interests (where are your earrings Cathy?) - share them with us here...it will all go towards bringing the "Gente" community closer together.

If you think education is expensive -try ignorance!
>Expats in Italy<
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Emmy V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 11, 2007 Posts: 1000 Location: Scotland
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 2:21 pm Post subject: Re: Hobbies and pastimes! |
Carole just why have you not framed those paintings yet!!!???
As for Me!! my family would say that my main hobby would be collecting all kinds of 'junk'. I'm one of those people you could name as being a 'hoarder'. I cant part with things that have been given to me whether they only cost a few pence or a few pounds- I'm very sentimental and I even have some drawings that my past pupils gave me over 20 years ago.
Hobbies- well you name it I've tried it you could say I'm Jack of all trades but master of none.
I do like knitting and have a knitting machine too (hasnt been used for a while though) I make birthday, anniversay etc cards and sell them and give the profits to various charities. I do like baking too but the fault with that is I eat most of it (not good for the waist line!!)and I'm just crazy about wild/pet animals/birds etc. and I have a collection of soft toy animals too.
At the moment I'm considering offering to look after people's rabbits/guinea pigs if they want to go on holiday. (for free)(I've penty of vacant hutches now - all my rabbits have died (old age) and I've only two guinea pigs left who are almost 6years old and our vet has told me they are way past their 'sell by date'. Like Carole I like painting, and I do like painting animals. (not the actual animals just on paper - of course  lol) Once again any profit made with that goes to charity.
 Just wished I could look on dieting as a 'hobby'. I could say it has been a 'hobby' that I've had for years but one that hasnt produced the desired results
I'll post a few of my paintings later.
(Nice talking to you Carole)
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Emmy V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 11, 2007 Posts: 1000 Location: Scotland
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 3:34 pm Post subject: Re: Hobbies and pastimes! |
Some of my paintings (I think a few of you will have seen these already  )
This is my latest water colour painting. 'Bargain Hunter' (you may have to click on the picture to read the print on the newspaper)
This one's title is 'My Pig' (it's not really mine- havent aquired one of them for a pet----YET!
This is a water colour I did of a friend's Spaniel
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nuccia Admin

Joined: Jul 09, 2007 Posts: 4375 Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 3:53 pm Post subject: Re: Hobbies and pastimes! |
Beautiful work! You know how much I love your paintings.
Thank you so much for sharing them
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Emmy V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 11, 2007 Posts: 1000 Location: Scotland
Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 4:01 pm Post subject: Re: Hobbies and pastimes! |
I'm STILL waiting for Bailey!!
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Gina501 V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 444 Location: Houston, Texas
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