Okay, so I'm one of the few (or maybe many) people who dislikes email forwarding -aka- receive junk mail that has been sent to countles amount of people.
As I received one today, like many other days

, I decided to check the likelihood of whether or not the "story" was true or just a hoax. Normally, I just delete this type of emails as I am not going to forward stuff that I wouldn't want to receive myself, no duh!
I checked the one today only because it was about a "missing" young man and it struck me as funny that there was no missing date stated (just the words: missing for two weeks) and it was very vague. Anyways, I went to
www.snopes.com and sure enough it's a HOAX! one of those "urban legends" type of thing that keeps on being passed as true.
Okay, now I feel better... I needed to get that out
Carry on...