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A couple of things.
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MikeSavoca91 V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 399
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:28 am Post subject: A couple of things. |
Hey Everyone,
I got this record in the mail a while back from Archivio Di Stato di Catania, my great great grandfather's Lista di Leva.
They sent it to me, in place of his birth record, which they could not find. I have to say it was a great suprise! Anyway, I think I get what it says, but I just want to make sure. If someone could translate for me (even just his discription and Esame Definitivo), it would mean a lot.
Also, I have been working with a lot of death records on my Croatian side, but they are all in Latin. Could someone translate just one for me, so I knid of have an outline to use in reading the others? Thanks so much in advance!  !
_________________ Mike
Researching- Savoca, Farfaglia, Mamazza, DiSano, Lomonaco, and Ponticello from Castiglione Di Sicilia (CT) |
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lilbees V.I.P.

Joined: Nov 21, 2007 Posts: 754 Location: Georgia, USA
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:38 am Post subject: Re: A couple of things. |
Hey Mike, as you found, imageshack is really easy to use
A very useful tool.
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MikeSavoca91 V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 399
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:53 am Post subject: Re: A couple of things. |
Thanks again Lilbees! I have been doing Gente from the first day, and this is the first time I have ever used imageshack! lol, it is a big help!
_________________ Mike
Researching- Savoca, Farfaglia, Mamazza, DiSano, Lomonaco, and Ponticello from Castiglione Di Sicilia (CT) |
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lilbees V.I.P.

Joined: Nov 21, 2007 Posts: 754 Location: Georgia, USA
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:05 am Post subject: Re: A couple of things. |
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CowryShells New Member

Joined: Aug 07, 2010 Posts: 17
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:34 am Post subject: Re: A couple of things. |
Hi Mike!
Don't take my word on anything, please wait until the experts can review it, but here's what I see for your first link:
#57 full name is Farfaglia Carmelo, father: Carmelo, town ?, on day 22 of the month of June 1870, profession: farm laborer (peasant), unable to write
Sorry, I can't read the mother's name. The second word looks like Maria.
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MikeSavoca91 V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 399
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:52 am Post subject: Re: A couple of things. |
Hi CowryShells! Thanks for the quick help. I believe that what you said is correct. Carmelo's mother's name is Maria Scavera. I hate that he couldn't write  . Signatures are a favorite of mine, and I could have loved to have been able to find his out there somewhere!
Thanks again!
_________________ Mike
Researching- Savoca, Farfaglia, Mamazza, DiSano, Lomonaco, and Ponticello from Castiglione Di Sicilia (CT) |
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CowryShells New Member

Joined: Aug 07, 2010 Posts: 17
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:07 am Post subject: Re: A couple of things. |
Yes, I think that Scavera is the name written there (in my unqualified opinion!). It had too many letters to be Savoca.
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uantiti Explorer

Joined: Nov 28, 2008 Posts: 356 Location: Biella (Piedmont) and Venezia/Venice, Italy
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 3:45 pm Post subject: Re: A couple of things. |
The name of the town is Castiglione, standing for Castiglione di Sicilia. You might be interested to know that in this town there are people with these surnames: Savoca, Farfaglia and Scavera. On the second page there is a physical description of Carmelo.
Height: 1.63 (in meters)
Hair: straight, chestnut
Eyes: Chestnut
Complexion: dark
Marks: scar on the left eyebrow
Bust size: 0.86 (in meters)
Enrolled and assignes to 1st class rank on May 1890. Transferred to 2nd class due to reorganization of the contingent.
_________________ Researching: Agazzone, Beretta, Bertona, Carbonati, Castelletta, Ferrari, Gallo, Guglielmetti, Marchini, Mascagni, Nicolazzi, Nobile, Rossi, Sacco, Tosone - gone to USA from Bogogno, province of Novara, Piedmont, Italy. |
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MikeSavoca91 V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 399
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 4:13 pm Post subject: Re: A couple of things. |
Wow Ada! I love the description, I have pictures of Carmelo, but only as an old man. It is nice to learn what he would have looked like, and his height.
I just ordered a whole bunch of films for Castiglione Di Sicilia to try and trace and see who might still be related as I am going there next summer!
Thanks for all the help! 
_________________ Mike
Researching- Savoca, Farfaglia, Mamazza, DiSano, Lomonaco, and Ponticello from Castiglione Di Sicilia (CT) |
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MikeSavoca91 V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 399
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 4:17 pm Post subject: Re: A couple of things. |
Just a thought, he wasn't very tall! That works out to about 5'4 and I am 6'5 lol.
_________________ Mike
Researching- Savoca, Farfaglia, Mamazza, DiSano, Lomonaco, and Ponticello from Castiglione Di Sicilia (CT) |
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Luca Translator

Joined: Jan 22, 2008 Posts: 695 Location: Terni - Italy
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 5:30 pm Post subject: Re: A couple of things. |
Die decima septembris 1816
Francisca uxor Stephani ...(?) aetatis suae annorum quadraginta circiter in Comunione Sanctae Matris Ecclesiae heri solis occasu animam deo reddidit prius Reverendissimo Canonico Domino Josepho Juranovich Parochiali coadjutori confessa, ab eodem Sanctissimo Viatico refecta, olei sacra unctione roborata, animeque comendatione adjuta. Cuius cadaver ad ecclesiam delatum hac vespere, persolutis prius exequiis fuit sepultum die et anno supradicto
Il giorno 10 di settembre 1816
Francesca moglie di Stefano ...(?) della sua età di 40 anni circa, in comunione con santa madre chiesa rese l'anima a Dio ieri al tramonto del sole, prima confessata dal reverendissimo canonico D. Giuseppe Juranovich coadiutore parrocchiale, e dallo stesso ristorata con il Santissimo Viatico, fortificata dalla sacra unzione dell'olio e assistita nella raccomandazione dell'anima. Il cui cadavere fu trasportato in chiesa oggi al tramonto e, compiute prima le esequie, fu sepolta il giorno ed anno sopradetti.
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MikeSavoca91 V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 399
Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 11:32 pm Post subject: Re: A couple of things. |
Wow, Thank you Luca. That is different than what I was expecting! I wish I could read the Latin, but I have a very hard time with it. This is a record for my 5th. great grandmother, and it is nice to see that written that way. I have some more here and there, so I will post here and there.
Thank you again!
_________________ Mike
Researching- Savoca, Farfaglia, Mamazza, DiSano, Lomonaco, and Ponticello from Castiglione Di Sicilia (CT) |
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MikeSavoca91 V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 399
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:08 am Post subject: Re: A couple of things. |
Hi Everyone,
I was wondering if someone could give me a basic translation of these? I don't need word for word, even just the parent's occupations and your thoughts on the address would be fine. I had heard that my great grandfather's mom was a teacher, but I don't know if that is true.
Also one more of those great Latin enteries. Thank you in advance!
_________________ Mike
Researching- Savoca, Farfaglia, Mamazza, DiSano, Lomonaco, and Ponticello from Castiglione Di Sicilia (CT) |
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uantiti Explorer

Joined: Nov 28, 2008 Posts: 356 Location: Biella (Piedmont) and Venezia/Venice, Italy
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 6:26 am Post subject: Re: A couple of things. |
Hi Mike,
the first document is a birth act for Savoca Vincenzo, act # 133 dated May 5, 1898.
Declarant: Giovanni Savoca, 28y, profession: mason
who declared that at 3 o'clock (no mention if a.m. or p.m.) on 2nd day of May in "Via Sotto Castello" (literally it means: street below the castle), his wife Maria Mamazza, housewife, gave birth to a boy to whom he gives the name Vincenzo.
I checked for the surname Mamazza and you can find it in Castiglione. Sorry but Maria's profession is housewife. In my opinion I doubt that a teacher would have married a mason unless he was a well-off one and just worked as a mason in his free time........just kidding!!
The second document is a birth and baptism act for Giuseppa Ponticello,
dated January 10, 1845 issued in Castiglione, district of Acireale, province of Catania.
Declarant: Giovanni Ponticello (the word before the name should be a short for "Mastro" which is just a title standing for Master), 57 years old (wow!). Profession: ??
Name of the wife: Rosa Chiappazzo, 34 years old.
I also checked for Rosa's surname in Castiglione and actually it should be "Del Popolo Chiappazzo". There is no profession for Rosa and sorry but I cannot read Giovanni's one. May be Luca or Livio can say. Seen the difference of age, Rosa could be a second wife, just a suggestion.
I leave the Latin document to Luca, I might just say something laughable.
_________________ Researching: Agazzone, Beretta, Bertona, Carbonati, Castelletta, Ferrari, Gallo, Guglielmetti, Marchini, Mascagni, Nicolazzi, Nobile, Rossi, Sacco, Tosone - gone to USA from Bogogno, province of Novara, Piedmont, Italy. |
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uantiti Explorer

Joined: Nov 28, 2008 Posts: 356 Location: Biella (Piedmont) and Venezia/Venice, Italy
Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 6:44 am Post subject: Re: A couple of things. |
Giovanni's profession could be Picconiere, a man who works with a pickax in sulphur mines.
_________________ Researching: Agazzone, Beretta, Bertona, Carbonati, Castelletta, Ferrari, Gallo, Guglielmetti, Marchini, Mascagni, Nicolazzi, Nobile, Rossi, Sacco, Tosone - gone to USA from Bogogno, province of Novara, Piedmont, Italy. |
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