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Catasto of Montalto
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Cathy V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 2681
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:43 pm Post subject: Catasto of Montalto |
I have received the Catasto of Montalto and have many questions. My first question is where are my Napolitano's?!!  I only found 1 in the indexes!!  I knew I was close to finding they came from elsewhere because there are only a few in the 1700's but I also know from the baptisms that at least 3 of them (and their children) should be here. Any ideas anyone?
I will begin with the indexes. There seem to be several different indexes - I can tell one is for the religious people living in Montalto. I can assume the first index is for head of household. Each index has a title on it so I am posting them below and would like to know what the title says.
The first one I will post is HERE has the only Napolitano I found in the index. I believe this is Nuccia ancestor Arcangelo. It was in the 3 grouping of indexes. What does the title say and what do the column headings say?
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Cathy V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 2681
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 2:58 pm Post subject: Re: Catasto of Montalto |
Here is the page with the record of Arcangelo and Rosa Scarlato. These are Nuccia's direct line ancestors. It shows they originated in Belsito, Cosenza. Can someone please translate their information? Thanks!
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Luca Translator

Joined: Jan 22, 2008 Posts: 695 Location: Terni - Italy
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 5:33 pm Post subject: Re: Catasto of Montalto |
Title: index of the strangers living (now) in Montalto
Coloumn index: the first I think says "property" (in the sense of "value of the property"), the second "economic rent".
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Luca Translator

Joined: Jan 22, 2008 Posts: 695 Location: Terni - Italy
Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 5:52 pm Post subject: Re: Catasto of Montalto |
www.montaltouffugo.org...0418-2.jpg (transcription)
Arcangelo Napolitano orig(inario) di Bersito di an(ni) ---30
Rosa Scarlato moglie di an(ni) ------------------------------22
Bruno figlio di an(ni) --------------------------------------------2
Teresa figlia d'an(ni) -------------------------------------------1
Marianna sorella (di Arcangelo)di an(ni) ------------------18
jus ab(itatio)nis [tassa che dovevano pagare i forestieri per avere il diritto di abitare in una università/città diversa dalla propria]
Abita in casa ??? sop(r)a la q(ua)le vi è il peso
di g(ra)na [i "grani" erano monete: la moneta in vigore all’epoca nel Regno di Napoli era il ducato che era formato da 5 tarì, da 10 carlini e da 100 grani. Il grano era a sua volta formato da 12 cavalli. 6 cavalli erano un tornese.] venti all'archid(?) [Arcidioccesi???]
Una robba [un terreno] loco d(ett)o li Crocchi alb(erat)a di olivi ???
la rend(it)a p(er) carli(ni) diciassette. sono on(ce) cinque e g(ran)a 20_____ 5___20
In tutto sono on(ce) cinque e g(ran)a venti __________________________ 5___20
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Cathy V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 2681
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 11:01 am Post subject: Re: Catasto of Montalto |
Thanks Luca! I understood Marianna was a sister but I did not know if she was Arcangelo's sister or Rosa's. It makes sense now that her relationship listed was her relationship to the head of the household. There is some of what you wrote here I do not understand and it is not translating well in Google. The horses that Arcangelo owned here valued for their worth? I do not understand anything in the sentence that ends with olive oil.  Can Livio, Carole or Ada help me out here? Thanks.
One last question. Arcangelo is from Belsito. What about Rosa? There are Scarlato's living in Montalto - many are in this Catasto. There were also Scarlato's in Belsito.
Nuccia, I am sorry, this is the end of your Napolitano line. There is no catasto for Belsito available on the archive...unless we write Maria Nucci and ask or we can somehow obtain church records. The question is how?
As for my Napolitano's, I know they lived in Montalto during this Catasto! I have an extract of Raffaele Napolitano's wife's death that occurred in Montalto in January, 1777. I do not understand why they are not in the index, but I will find them if they are here.
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liviomoreno V.I.P.

Joined: Sep 08, 2007 Posts: 1140 Location: Rome (Italy)
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 11:44 am Post subject: Re: Catasto of Montalto |
Luca wrote: |
jus abitationis =[tax that foreigners had to pay in order to be allowed to live in another town
Abita in casa ??? sopra la quae vi è il peso
di grana venti all'archidiocesi(?) =He lives in a house on which there is a burden of 20 "grana" in favor of the Archdioceses[the "grani" were money: During the Kingdom of Naples the base currency was 1 ducato, composed by 100 grani. ]
Una robba [un terreno] loco detto li Crocchi alberata di olivi =A land in a place called "Li Crocchi" with olive trees
La rendita per carlini diciassette sono once cinque e grana 20_____ 5___20
In tutto sono once cinque e grana venti __________________________ 5___20
The revenue for 17 carlini is 5 onces and 20 grana
The totals is 5 onces and 20 grana
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Cathy V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 2681
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 11:55 am Post subject: Re: Catasto of Montalto |
Thanks you Livio! Where did Google get horses?!  LOL That is very interesting that people from other towns had to pay a special tax. And a tax to the Archdioceses too! Thank you both! I really appreciate it.
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uantiti Explorer

Joined: Nov 28, 2008 Posts: 356 Location: Biella (Piedmont) and Venezia/Venice, Italy
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 12:21 pm Post subject: Re: Catasto of Montalto |
Luca wrote: |
http://www.montaltouffugo.org/documents/catasto/0418-2.jpg (transcription)
Abita in casa ??? sop(r)a la q(ua)le vi è il peso
di g(ra)na [i "grani" erano monete: la moneta in vigore all’epoca nel Regno di Napoli era il ducato che era formato da 5 tarì, da 10 carlini e da 100 grani. Il grano era a sua volta formato da 12 cavalli. 6 cavalli erano un tornese.] venti all'archid(?) [Arcidioccesi???]
Una robba [un terreno] loco d(ett)o li Crocchi alb(erat)a di olivi ???
la rend(it)a p(er) carli(ni) diciassette. sono on(ce) cinque e g(ran)a 20_____ 5___20
In tutto sono on(ce) cinque e g(ran)a venti __________________________ 5___20 |
Cathy, horses are there but they aren't real horses, they were money. I think Livio missed a line:
The currency under the Kingdom of Naples was "ducato" formed by 5 "tarì", 10 "carlini" and 100 "grani". One "grano" was on its turn consisting of 12 "cavalli" (horses) . Six "cavalli" made one "tornese".
Also, I dont' know if they had to pay a tax to the Archdiocese because they were foreigners or because the place they lived belonged to the Archdiocese.
_________________ Researching: Agazzone, Beretta, Bertona, Carbonati, Castelletta, Ferrari, Gallo, Guglielmetti, Marchini, Mascagni, Nicolazzi, Nobile, Rossi, Sacco, Tosone - gone to USA from Bogogno, province of Novara, Piedmont, Italy. |
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liviomoreno V.I.P.

Joined: Sep 08, 2007 Posts: 1140 Location: Rome (Italy)
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Cathy V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 2681
Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 1:04 pm Post subject: Re: Catasto of Montalto |
Thank you both! This is very interesting. I feel like I am learning something which is always a good thing. I really appreciate your help.
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nuccia Admin

Joined: Jul 09, 2007 Posts: 4375 Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:43 am Post subject: Re: Catasto of Montalto |
So it's official - Both my Mom's Paternal and Maternal lines trace back to Belsito which is approximately 3 kms from where she was born! Oh, and I have Nucci's in my tree too - (ducks)
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Cathy V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 2681
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 10:51 am Post subject: Re: Catasto of Montalto |
Edited post to remove information I figured out on my own.
I have barely had a chance to actually look at the pages of
the Catasto, however, at first glance of the indexes, I have a few questions.
I will begin with documents found at the end of the indexes. I assume these pages are some sort of summary of the Catasto. I would really like to know what these final pages after the indexes are or refer to. Please note, I do not need a translation, just an idea of what it says. Is it a summary of the Catasto? Can someone please help?
These pages are totally handwritten. I would not ask for a translation, just
an idea of what they say.
Page 1
Page 2
Thanks for your help.
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Luca Translator

Joined: Jan 22, 2008 Posts: 695 Location: Terni - Italy
Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:24 am Post subject: Re: Catasto of Montalto |
Transcription of the first part of page 1 (the second part says the same things). The most significant in bold.
Addì ventisei dicembre 1748 in Montalto.
Fò (=faccio) fede io sottoscritto Vincenzo Cinella ... cancelliere dell'università di questa nobile e fedelissima città di Montalto qualmente (=che) Francesco Vicciano ordinario giurato di questa ducal corte con giuramento ha riferito a me sottoscritto cancelliere come oggi predetto di aver pubblicato a suon di tromba mone(= avviso ?) solito, alta ed intellegibile voce mone praeconis (= avviso/monito dei banditori ?), per i (= nei) luoghi soliti di questa città in presenza di molti cittadini di essersi di già terminato il general catasto di questa predetta città per ordine dei signori deputati del medesimo, affinché fosse fatto palese (=noto) a tutti; presenti per testimoni Saverio di Onofrio, Leonardo Solama, mastro Paol Martora, mastro Carlo di Agostino ed altri ed in fede.
Vincenzo Cinella cancelliere.
Copia. Si fa fede anche con giuramento da me qui sotto Ignazio di Giacomo ... trombetta di questa repubblica autonoma(?) di Calabria Citra, qualmente (= che) oggi sottoscritto giorno d'ordine del giudice della G(enerale) C(onsulta) ecc. ecc.
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Carole Admin

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 1662 Location: Valtellina - Near Lake Como
Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 11:43 am Post subject: Re: Catasto of Montalto |
Luca wrote: |
Transcription of the first part of page 1 (the second part says the same things). The most significant in bold.
Addì ventisei dicembre 1748 in Montalto.
Fò (=faccio) fede io sottoscritto Vincenzo Cinella ... cancelliere dell'università di questa nobile e fedelissima città di Montalto qualmente (=che) Francesco Vicciano ordinario giurato di questa ducal corte con giuramento ha riferito a me sottoscritto cancelliere come oggi predetto di aver pubblicato a suon di tromba mone(= avviso ?) solito, alta ed intellegibile voce mone praeconis (= avviso/monito dei banditori ?), per i (= nei) luoghi soliti di questa città in presenza di molti cittadini di essersi di già terminato il general catasto di questa predetta città per ordine dei signori deputati del medesimo, affinché fosse fatto palese (=noto) a tutti; presenti per testimoni Saverio di Onofrio, Leonardo Solama, mastro Paol Martora, mastro Carlo di Agostino ed altri ed in fede.
Vincenzo Cinella cancelliere.
Copia. Si fa fede anche con giuramento da me qui sotto Ignazio di Giacomo ... trombetta di questa repubblica autonoma(?) di Calabria Citra, qualmente (= che) oggi sottoscritto giorno d'ordine del giudice della G(enerale) C(onsulta) ecc. ecc. |
(As near as I can get it.....)
On the twenty sixth of December 1748 in Montalto
In faith I the undersigned Vincenzo Cinella… Chancellor of the University of this noble and faithful city of Montalto that Francesco Vicciano ordinary juror of this ducal court with his oath he told me the undersigned Chancellor that today the aforesaid was published with a fanfare of trumpets to advise as customary, loud and clear by the town crier a notice / warning, in the usual places in this city in the presence of may citizens to be ended the general inventory of this aforesaid city by order of the appointed gentlemen (deputies) of the same, was done clear to everybody, present as witnesses were Saverio di Onofrio, Leonardo Solama, Master Paol Martora, Master Carlo di Agostino and others and in faith..
Vincenzo Cinella Chancellor
Copy. It is done in belief also with oath from me here under Ignazio of Giacomo…. trumpeter of this autonomous Republic of Calabria-Citra, that today on the date below by order of the Judge of the General Constitutional Court. etc. etc.

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Cathy V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 10, 2007 Posts: 2681
Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:01 pm Post subject: Re: Catasto of Montalto |
Thanks Luca and Carole! I am glad I asked! That is so interesting! I love the part about the trumpets!  I can almost picture the scene in my mind with those beautiful mountains behind the trumpeter. Your efforts are much appreciated!
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