Last night I found processetti that was very interesting to me because it gave documents for both my Scarlato and my Fullone lines of ancestry in addition to which, there is information on several more of my family surnames. Also interesting was the fact that 2 processetti (of Fullone siblings) were combined into 1. I have a few questions I am hoping someone can answer.
This first document is an extract of a baptism of Michele Fullone, the groom. His Godfather is Pasquale Crivaro - I descend from him too! The document is
here. Does it mention his relationship to this family or his wife? I doubt it does but I have to ask.
This next document
here I cannot tell what it is - I am thinking a death of Eugenia DeFillipis? Is Giuseppe her father? I would also like the date since I descend from these people. Another document referred to Eugenia as Filippo - I am very confused on this surname because the same occurred with Anna DeFillippis/Filippo whom I descend from also.
next document here I believe is an extract of the death of Teresa Scarlato's 1st husband Francesco Venturo. He died in Cosenza? The city? Or are they referring to Province? He died in prison??? Is that correct?

Page 2 is
The last document
here I think is a death extract for Chiara DiLio. Her father was Vincenzo?? (I descend from a Vincenzo DiLio also) No mother's name?
I am at a point now in the records where often the mother's name is left off the death documents and other documents for these people born well into the 1700's. What do you do when you reach this point? Without the wife's/mother's name it is just a guess, isn't it? Is this the end of the road?
Thank you for any assistance you can give me.