Just found out the date of the birth of grandfather may be wrong - it was registered as 8 February 1864 - all of his US records show date of 3 February 1864. The information was registered by the midwife who assisted at the birth. On the original Atto Di Nascita there is also a notation that he was baptized on 10 February 1864 in San Michele in Potenza. Is it possible the birth date registered is wrong? (I find it hard to believe that he would be baptized just two days later.) What else can I do

to verify which date is correct. I had an appointment with the Italian Consulate in NY and the person interviewing us insisted this was two different people even though it was the same name for the child and his parents, the same town born in (Potenza), same month and year of birth. He wants us to have every record in the US for him to be amended to show the date of 8 February instead of 3 February.
Any suggestions would be helpful.
Thank you.