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Joined: Oct 24, 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 9:36 pm    Post subject: benevento greetings Reply with quote

Ciao. I registered today. Thank you so much Nuccia for getting my avatar sorted out.

I started my research on my paternal Italian side – Pacelli - about three years ago. My folks seemed to have stayed relatively close to San Salvatore Telesino, Benevento, Campania until about 1860-1870. For the last year I transcribed information from every birth, death and marriage record in San Salvatore for anyone with the cognome Pacelli. That’d be about 1600 different folks ranging from 1650+/- to 1860 and a couple of dozen Pacelli family lines I have documented to that time. I feel very fortunate as with that information I have been able to trace my Pacelli to the late 17th century without having access to Catholic Church records. Thank goodness for processetti. So, if anyone needs information about someone named Pacelli from San Salvatore send me a message.

Until the Church permits access I am at a standstill other than trying to find someone with access to the 1749 San Salvatore Catasti. Not wanting to be accused of goofing off, I have been tracing the other folks who married into my Pacelli bunch which will keep me busy for awhile longer.

I wish everyone the same success, not just in accumulating names as others have noted, but in the fulfilling journey in finding our past.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 10:26 pm    Post subject: Re: benevento greetings Reply with quote

Hi Tom!

Welcome to Gente. Its nice to have you here. I have been following your posts on some of the other forums and only hope to accomplish what you have. Thank you also for the wonderful offer. You never know when someone will need a record.

You'll fit in nicely here...we all share.

Let us know if we can help you in anyway. And I will get your surnames up sometime this weekend.


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 1:23 pm    Post subject: Re: benevento greetings Reply with quote

Ciao Tom
and welcome to Gente.

I received your mail but verizon stopped my answer, so i'll send you a mp.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 3:15 pm    Post subject: Re: benevento greetings Reply with quote

Welcome to Gente Tom! I too have traced one of my family lines back to the 1600's with the stato records thanks to the longevity of one of my ancestors (he died aged 98!!). In my grandfather's province of Cosenza you can order the complete Catasto from the province for the whole town and they send it on CD. Have you tried your province's online site for this? Cosenza charges about 80 euros if my memory serves me correctly.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 3:37 pm    Post subject: Re: benevento greetings Reply with quote


thanks for the tip which i had not heard before. i will look up their address and send a letter. maybe luca could help with suggested language how to request this document in italian?


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 4:04 pm    Post subject: Re: benevento greetings Reply with quote

In Cosenza you can order it from the state archives website...it is a site of all provinces with all records they offer. I will look for the link and post it here later this evening. In the meantime here is the email I sent to Cosenza that Riccardo wrote for me:
as-cs @ beniculturali.it
Egregio sig. Direttore
sono (your Name here) e scrivo da (your hometown here, USA). Con la presente desidero ricevere un cd rom contenente is seguenti documenti presenti nel vostro archivio, relativi alla cittadina di (your Italian town name here): 1) Atti dello Stato Civile (nascita, matrimoni e morte) dal 1809 al 1848;2) Atti dello Stato Civile (nascita, matrimoni e morte) dal 1911 al 1930 (se a disposizione);3) Catasto Onciario 4) Atti notarili Rimango in attesa di un vostro riscontro e desidero conoscere la spesa da affrontare e le relative modalità di pagamento
Distinti saluti

Since my town offered other records as well those are listed here too. I hope this helps.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 4:13 pm    Post subject: Re: benevento greetings Reply with quote

dragoni wrote:
Ciao. I registered today. Thank you so much Nuccia for getting my avatar sorted out.

I started my research on my paternal Italian side – Pacelli - about three years ago. My folks seemed to have stayed relatively close to San Salvatore Telesino, Benevento, Campania until about 1860-1870. For the last year I transcribed information from every birth, death and marriage record in San Salvatore for anyone with the cognome Pacelli. That’d be about 1600 different folks ranging from 1650+/- to 1860 and a couple of dozen Pacelli family lines I have documented to that time. I feel very fortunate as with that information I have been able to trace my Pacelli to the late 17th century without having access to Catholic Church records. Thank goodness for processetti. So, if anyone needs information about someone named Pacelli from San Salvatore send me a message.

Until the Church permits access I am at a standstill other than trying to find someone with access to the 1749 San Salvatore Catasti. Not wanting to be accused of goofing off, I have been tracing the other folks who married into my Pacelli bunch which will keep me busy for awhile longer.

I wish everyone the same success, not just in accumulating names as others have noted, but in the fulfilling journey in finding our past.


Hi and welcome to Gente.
Don't you know there was the Pope Pio XII, named Eugenio Pacelli?
Are you related with him?


Pope Pius XII (1939-58)

Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli was born on March 2, 1876, to a noble Roman family. His father, Filippo Pacelli, was made a Papal Marquis and also an Italian Prince by Victor Emmanuel III, both in 1929 for the part he played in the Lateran treaty. Pacelli’s grandfather, Marcantonio Pacelli, was founder of the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano. Ordained a priest in 1899, he first served as a curate at Chiesa Nuova, where he had served as an altar boy.

Made a Papal Chamberlain in 1904, Pacelli became in 1905 a domestic prelate. From 1904 until 1916, Msgr. Pacelli assisted Cardinal Gasparri in his codification of canon law. In 1914 Pacelli also started serving in the Vatican diplomatic service, and immediately had success with a concordat with Serbia. Appointed Nuncio to Bavaria in April 1917, he was consecrated as a bishop in the Sistine Chapel. The following month Pacelli was promoted to Archbishop. Archbishop Pacelli served as de facto nuncio to the German Empire for the rest of WWI and to the German Republic in 1920 and Prussia in 1925. He was named cardinal on December 16, 1929, and named as secretary of state on February 7, 1930. In the 1930’s Cardinal Pacelli was extremely active in securing concordats and visiting countries around the world in pursuance of the Church’s affairs.

In 1935, Cardinal Pacelli was named as the Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church.

He came to America in 1936 and met Joseph P. Kennedy (Senator Ted Kennedy, as a four year old, got to sit on the Cardinal’s lap and was observed playing with the Cardinal’s pectoral cross.). He also met Fr. Charles Coughlin and had a private meeting with President Franklin D. Roosevelt at Hyde Park. (On the way there he was seen to stop his motorcade to get out and speak with, pat the heads of, and to make the sign of the cross over the parochial school children who had been cued to line the roads on the way to Hyde Park to see the Papal Secretary of State pass by. Additionally, the Cardinal addressed Fordham University (in English), then left for Rome (all this, we believe, in about a 48-hour period).

Pius XI died suddenly on February 10, 1939, and Pacelli was elected pope as Pius XII on March 2, 1939, his 63rd birthday. The German government quickly issued statements such as that of Das Schwarze Korps (the SS newspaper),

As nuncio and secretary of state, Eugenio Pacelli had little understanding of us; little hope is placed in him. We do not believe that as Pius XII he will follow a different path.

Events proved them right!

During World War II the Vatican was officially neutral. Pius XII repeatedly issued statements denouncing Nazi acts. According to Pinchas Lapide, Jewish author of Three Popes and the Jews, he declared that the Church under Pius XII “was instrumental in saving at least 700,000, but probably as many as 860,000 Jews from certain death at Nazi hands.” The Vatican hid and moved Jews around anywhere to save them, issuing passports to those seeking asylum abroad. We suspect not one other major government saved anything like so many Jews as the Vatican State did under Pope Pius XII.

Some of his encyclicals include Summi Pontificatus (1939), a condemnation of the “ever-increasing host of Christ’s enemies”; and Humani Generis, in 1950, criticized those who “imprudently and indiscreetly hold that evolution...explains the origin of all things.”

His canonizations included: St. Pius X, St. Catherine Labouré, St. Louis de Montfort, St. Maria Goretti, and St. Dominic Savio. Between 1949 and 1955, Pius XII revised the Roman Missal, making it a bit simpler to use. Pope Pius XII died October 9, 1958, and was declared venerable by Pope John Paul II. The blazon: Azure, a base barry wavy, argent, and, azure, issuant therefrom on a grassy mount with thereon three colle, argent, with perched thereon a dove of peace regardant, proper, holding in its beak an olive branch vert.

Of interest here is that Pius XII somewhat changed his arms from those he used as a cardinal. A rainbow was dropped, the dove went from displayed to perching, and the grassy mount was added over water


HELP ME to find the ship manifest of 1902 to USA, about my GGFather Francesco Paolo BRUNO from Trapani (1860/1938)
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 4:18 pm    Post subject: Re: benevento greetings Reply with quote

Welcome Tom; Your post has peaked my curiosity Please forgive my ignorance but could someone please give me a crash course on what a "Catasti" is! I have not been able to obtain the family history and marriage info for my grandparents from Sant' Arsenio, Salerno, Campania, is this some thing I can obtain for Salerno archives?

Researching: Bernarducci, Manganello, Cuiccio, Quaglia, Terranova, D'Amato, Flora, Pica
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 4:38 pm    Post subject: Re: benevento greetings Reply with quote

The catasto was a tax record and can be so much more interesting than any other records. It will give an inventory of everything on the property. How many animals they had (and what kind) how many structures, etc. Go to this website for a description and make sure you click their link to a sample record.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 9:06 pm    Post subject: Re: benevento greetings Reply with quote

here is a version of the emaial i want to send to benevento my request for the 1749 catasto. how bad /poorly worded is my attempt?

Egregio sig. Direttore

Buongiorno. Sono Tommaso Pacelli e scrivo da Purcellville, Virginia, Stati Uniti. Volevo avere delle informazioni riguardante un membro della mia famiglia poiche sto facendo una ricerga genologica il nome e’ Pasquale Pacelli, figlio di Gennaro, credo sia stato battezzato nella S. Maria Assunta parrocchia verso il 1739. Con la presente desidero ricevere un cd rom contenente is seguenti documenti presenti nel vostro archivio, relativi alla cittadina di San Salvatore Telesino Catasto Onciario 1749. Se trovera I documenti volevo sapere se e’ possible che me le spediate in America.

Lei ringrazio gentilmente per il Suo aiuto.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 4:47 am    Post subject: Re: benevento greetings Reply with quote

Io scriverei:

dragoni wrote:

Egregio sig. Direttore
mi chiamo Tommaso Pacelli e scrivo da Purcellville, Virginia, Stati Uniti. Volevo avere delle informazioni riguardante un membro della mia famiglia poiché sto facendo una ricerga genologica. il suo nome e’ Pasquale Pacelli, figlio di Gennaro e credo sia stato battezzato nella Parrocchia di S. Maria Assunta intorno al 1739.
Desidererei inoltre ricevere un cd rom contenente i seguenti documenti presenti nel vostro archivio, relativi alla cittadina di San Salvatore Telesino: Catasto Onciario 1749.
Qualora i suddetti documenti siano disponibili volevo sapere se e’ possible per voi spedirmeli in America, quali costi ciò comporta e le modalità per il pagamento degli stessi.
Per qualsiasi informazione potete contattarmi al seguente indirizzo mail: - your mail.
La ringrazio per l'aiuto che vorrà gentilmente fornirmi.
Distinti saluti
Tommaso Pacelli (your address)

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:12 pm    Post subject: Re: benevento greetings Reply with quote

es tut mir leid das meine italian war kaput. danke.


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:24 pm    Post subject: Re: benevento greetings Reply with quote

dragoni wrote:
es tut mir leid das meine italian war kaput. danke.



lol lol lol

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:57 pm    Post subject: Re: benevento greetings Reply with quote


thanks for the help. with the letter. no, we are not diretly related to il papa. but i did have a fratello of my bisnonno who was a friar - fra. luca di gesu pacelli - who spent 47 years in the order of franciscan minors from 1894 to 1941.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:38 am    Post subject: Re: benevento greetings Reply with quote

I am looking for some information on my family in S Salvator, Telesino, Benevento would you be able to help me?

I am looking on information about a Pasquale Pacelli. I do not have any birth, marriage, or death information on him. All I know is that he had a son Angelo Ralph Pacelli who was born June 21, 1877. I do not know if he had any siblings or what his mothers name is.

Any information you could send would be greatly appreciated.

I look forward to hearing back from you!

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