Translation, please.
For help with translating documents or writing letters.
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Vincenza V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 11, 2007 Posts: 354 Location: Michigan
Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 7:43 am Post subject: Translation, please. |
Thank you Riccardo  I truly appreciate your help, Grazie
With Riccardo's help I was able to received a copy of the matricolare records for our grandfather.
But can someone please translate it for me.
Page 1
Page 2
I hope the images were downloaded correct. let me know
_________________ Vincenza
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nuccia Admin

Joined: Jul 09, 2007 Posts: 4375 Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 8:53 am Post subject: Re: Translation, please. |
Nice records Vincenza! I can read some of it but not too good at translations. I am sure one of the others can translate it for you though.
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Vincenza V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 11, 2007 Posts: 354 Location: Michigan
Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 8:58 am Post subject: Re: Translation, please. |
Thank you,
Without Riccardo's help I would have never known that I can receive these records.
_________________ Vincenza
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Maola, Rocca, Niro,Longo, Pennacchia (FR)
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nuccia Admin

Joined: Jul 09, 2007 Posts: 4375 Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 9:08 am Post subject: Re: Translation, please. |
Riccardo is very helpful, isn't he? Was there a charge for these records. I have heard that sometimes there is and sometimes there isn't so I am curious.
_________________ nuccia
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Vincenza V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 11, 2007 Posts: 354 Location: Michigan
Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 9:09 am Post subject: Re: Translation, please. |
No charge. they e-mailed them to me this morning.
_________________ Vincenza
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Maola, Rocca, Niro,Longo, Pennacchia (FR)
Pellerito, D'Anna, Alfano, Sassano, Alongi, Russo, LoCricchio (PA) |
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Luca Translator

Joined: Jan 22, 2008 Posts: 695 Location: Terni - Italy
Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 6:06 pm Post subject: Re: Translation, please. |
Tomorrow i'll try to provide a transcription (if it can help).
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Vincenza V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 11, 2007 Posts: 354 Location: Michigan
Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 6:48 pm Post subject: Re: Translation, please. |
Thank you Luca. I appreciate it.
_________________ Vincenza
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Maola, Rocca, Niro,Longo, Pennacchia (FR)
Pellerito, D'Anna, Alfano, Sassano, Alongi, Russo, LoCricchio (PA) |
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Luca Translator

Joined: Jan 22, 2008 Posts: 695 Location: Terni - Italy
Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 1:01 pm Post subject: Re: Translation, please. |
Foglio matricolare e carattreristico di Maola Domenico di Antonio e di Rocca Raffaela nato il 14 Novembre 1905 a Casalvieri, circondario di Sora ... iscritto nel Comune di Casalvieri mandamento di Arsetano circondario di Sora.
Statura mt. 1,60
Torace mt. 0,70
Capelli castani e lisci
Naso giusto (  )
Mento ovale
Occhi castani
Colorito naturale
Dentatura sana
Segni particolari nessuno
Professione contadino
Sa leggere
Sa scrivere.
Soldato di leva classe 1905 del Distretto di Frosinone giusto atto di sottomissione rilasciato per cassazione(!) e lasciato in congedo illimitato il 22 Ottobre 1924.
Chiamato alle armi e non giunto perché all'estero il 7 Maggio 1925.
Dispensato da detta chiamata alle armi a senso del n. 3 lettera art 140 del G.M. 1925 il 7 Maggio 1925.
Giunto al distretto militare di Frosinone il 15 Dicembre 1925.
Tale nel 10° reggimento Fanteria il 16 Dicembre 1925.
Dispensato dal compiere la ferma ai sensi dell'art. 6 Regio Decreto 7.1.1923 con riferimento alla Circolare 140 G. N. 1925 perché dichiarato permanentemente idoneo ai servizi sedentari in seguito rassegna dell'ospedale militare di Bari (decisione in data 16.1.1926); lì 21 Gennaio 1926.
Tale nel distretto militare di Frosinone lì 21 Gennaio 1926.
Non rilasciata dichiarazione relativa alla condotta avendo meno di mesi tre [di servizio].
Bari 23 Gennaio 1926
(in the last page)
Assegnato alla 5° compagnia in data 16.12.1925
Assegnato al deposito in data 13.1.1926
Domicilio all'invio in congedo: Casalvieri.
I hope someone will translate for you.
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Vincenza V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 11, 2007 Posts: 354 Location: Michigan
Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 1:31 pm Post subject: Re: Translation, please. |
Translation with Babel fish. But it doesn't sound right. Anyone available to translate.
Page 1
Sheet to register and carattreristico of Maola Domenico di Antonio and Rocca 14 born Raffaela November 1905 to Casalvieri, circondario of Sora… enrolled in the Municipality of Casalvieri district of circondario Arsetano of Sora.
Stature mt. 1,60
Thorax mt. 0,70
Brown hats and you smooth down just Nose (Very Happy) I lie oval Brown eyes Natural colouring Healthy set of teeth Signs details no Profession peasant It knows to read It knows to write.
Conscript class 1905 of the District of just Frosinone action of submission which released for cassation () and left in 22 limitless dismissal October 1924. Called the crews and not reached because all' foreign country 7 May 1925. Dispensed from said called to the crews to sense of the n. 3 letter art 140 of the G.M. 1925 7 May 1925. Reached the military district of Frosinone 15 December 1925. Such in 10° the infantry regiment 16 December 1925.
Dispensed completing the firm one according to dell' art. 6 Regal Decree 7.1.1923 with reference to the Circular 140 G.N. 1925 because declared permanently suitable to the sedentari services later on it resigns dell' barium military hospital (decision in date 16.1.1926); there 21 January 1926. Such in the military district of Frosinone there 21 January 1926. Not released relative declaration to the conduct having less than service months three []. 23 bariums January 1926
(in the last page) Assigned to 5° the company in Assigned date 16.12.1925 to the warehouse in date 13.1.1926 Address all' shipment in dismissal: Casalvieri.
_________________ Vincenza
Searching surnames:
Maola, Rocca, Niro,Longo, Pennacchia (FR)
Pellerito, D'Anna, Alfano, Sassano, Alongi, Russo, LoCricchio (PA) |
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liviomoreno V.I.P.

Joined: Sep 08, 2007 Posts: 1140 Location: Rome (Italy)
Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:13 am Post subject: Re: Translation, please. |
"Foglio matricolare e caratteristico" [Military record] of Maola Domenico son of Antonio and of Rocca Raffaela born on 14 November 1905 in Casalvieri, circondario di Sora ... iscritto nel Comune di Casalvieri mandamento di Arsetano circondario di Sora.
Personal id marks, marriages and widowhood
Height: mt. 1,60
Torax: mt. 0,70
Hair brown and straight
Nose: just (  )
Chin: oval
Eyes: brown
complexion: natural
Teeth: healthy
Peculiar marks: none
Profession: farmer
Can read
Can write
Military call-up 1905 of Distretto di Frosinone according to the ... discharged on 22 October 1924.
Called to arms on 7 May 1925 and not aarrived since he was abroad.
Exonerated from the above call to arms according to the nr 3 letter of art 140 del G.M. 1925 il 7 Maggio 1925.
Arrived to the military district of on 15 December 1925.
Such in the 10° Infantry regiment on 16 December 1925.
Exonerated from the service according to art. 6 Regio Decreto 7.1.1923 with reference to Circolare 140 G. N. 1925 because he was declared permanently suitable to sedentary services after check in the Military Hospital of Bari (decision taken on 16.1.1926); lì 21 Gennaio 1926.
Such in the military district of Frosinone on 21 Gennaio 1926.
DEclaration about his behavior not released since he served for less than 3 months.
Bari 23 January 1926
(in the last page)
Assigned to the 5° company on 16.12.1925
Assigned to depot on 13.1.1926
Domicile after discharge: Casalvieri.
_________________ Livio
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Vincenza V.I.P.

Joined: Jul 11, 2007 Posts: 354 Location: Michigan
Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:36 am Post subject: Re: Translation, please. |
Thank you so much livio
_________________ Vincenza
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